Skin Rejuvenation

  • Chemical Peel (VI Peel, Reve Peel, TCA)

    $299 (Face + Neck)

    A procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin. The chemical solution enables penetration of the dermal layers of the skin to improve skin’s texture, tone, and promote the cell turnover needed to reduce wrinkles and maintain a younger, healthier and more vibrant skin appearance.

    $150 (Periocular/ Eye Peel)
    Specific treatment for imperfections in the periorbital area: wrinkles on the eyelids (upper and lower) and outer sides (crow’s feet), hyperpigmentation, loss of tissue density, under-eye circles, loss of brightness.

  • cosmelan® peel


    cosmelan® is the leading worldwide depigmentation method to treat spots with maximum efficacy and safety. We tell you why cosmelan® is much more than a chemical peel. The cosmelan® method visibly removes and attenuates spots (just like a peel) but it most importantly provides a regulating action as it corrects the overproduction of pigmentation to prevent the spots' reappearance. While peelings act on the surface of the problem, cosmelan® treatment targets the origin.

  • Microneedling + Hyaluronic Acid Infusion


    A microneedling device is used to mechanically break fibrils or elastin collagen that has contracted and has formed depression scars or static rhytids (wrinkles). Microneedling is indicated for conditions such as acne scars, cellulite (grade III), static rhytids (wrinkles) and overall facial and body part skin rejuvenation.

    Hyaluronic Acid helps reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles retaining moisture to the skin, creating a plumping effect. When the skin is protected and hydrated, increased skin cell production can take place, as the skin isn't busy fighting for hydration, therefore, this leads to smoother, plumper skin cells.

  • Microneedling + PDO AfterGlo


    PDO AfterGlo™ is a hydrating skin booster made of PDO threads in powder form and Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

    HA can smooth rough surfaces and provide a protective layer to help skin retain moisture. It also strengthens skin to improve elasticity and resilience.

  • Microneedling + Exosomes


    A microneedling device is used to mechanically break fibrils or elastin collagen that has contracted and has formed depression scars or static rhytids (wrinkles). Microneedling is indicated for conditions such as acne scars, cellulite (grade III), static rhytids (wrinkles) and overall facial and body part skin rejuvenation.

    Exosomes Benefits:
    -Noticeably reduces the appearance of age related pigment

    -Visibly makes skin appear firmer and more youthful

    -Visibly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

    -Hydrates and nourishes skin

    -Promotes a more radiant and even toned complexion

  • Microneedling + PRP


    Employs a combination of microneedling and the infusion of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP has a high concentration of growth factors extracted from your own blood. A dual spin centrifuge is used to extrapolate the growth factors in its purest form. Thus, increases collagen and elastin production, reduces fine lines & wrinkles, improves skin’s texture and firmness.